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Senior Citizens Shows

Neil Wilde Rocks
Pianist Vocal Entertainer 
Travelling Musician
Telephone +44 0788 6577 234

I’ve been brought up to respect my elders.  I was a carer for my 97 year old Grandfather for 6 years until he passed away in 2013. I was also a carer for my 82 year old father who passed in 2019.

I understand the need for musical stimulation which helps to prolong the memory and keeps up morale by interacting with others in a positive way. There’s nothing quite like a good old fashioned sing-a-long. 

My senior citizens package is all inclusive, all I need from you is a plug socket!

  • I can provide you with an afternoon visit of up to 2 hours.

  • I will provide a piano.

  • I will provide you with song sheets and any other relevant materials.

I can provide a unique service, singing old memorable songs and having a good old chin wag too.

If you have any other special requirements please feel free to contact me and we can discuss them.

I always have a great time when I’m working with senior citizens as there’s so much to learn.

If you have a venue, why not get something going for the senior citizens in your town?

Updated © 2023 by Neil Wilde Entertainment. 

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